The Basic Muffin Recipe

The best part? You must add your own flavorings!


Wet Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs

  • 8 ounces soy milk

  • 3 ounces of walnut oil

  • A slug of vanilla

Dry Ingredients:

  • 8 ounces whole wheat flour (or 4 ounces all-purpose and 4 ounces whole wheat).

  • 3 ounces of sugar (if you like it sweeter go with 4 ounces)

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (go up to 1 teaspoon if you want more salt)

  • 1 teaspoon spice of whatever taste you want in your muffin (cinnamon, cardamom, ginger) unless it’s something like chili peppers. (This is your FIRST chance to choose your own flavorings!)

  • 1 teaspoon Cream of Tarter and 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda (or 2 teaspoons of Baking powder)

Things you must do (and in order):

Preheat oven to 350 degrees with rack in center of the oven.

First, the wet ingredients. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat. Add the rest of wet ingredients. Mix together. Set aside the wet ingredients bowl.

Now the dry ingredients. Put an empty bowl on a scale. (Did you “tare” the bowl to zero? Check now!) Then add the dry ingredients and weigh as you go. Take the bowl off the scale and whisk the dry ingredients together.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix to combine only.

And now, MORE Choosing of flavorings:

THEN ADD THE EXTRAS: What do you want in your muffins? Chocolate chips? Blueberries? Rhubarb? Walnuts? What about frozen corn? Perhaps you should spoon the batter into the muffin tin and swirl in some jam using a spoon to drop the jam on top and a knife to swirl it in. What will go with the spice you chose? Experiment! You can always try something else next time you make muffins!

Spoon batter into muffin tin. (If you want less to clean, use baking cups.) Put into oven and check at 26 minutes. Gently stick a fork into the muffin and pull it out. Does it come out clean? Or are there glops on it? If glops, put the pan back into the oven and keep it cooking. Muffins should be done somewhere between 25 and 30 minutes.

Good luck! (And if you fail, do it again, but maybe tomorrow.) I recommend making muffins once a week. They are essential eating!


P.S. This recipe is based on the one found in Michael Ruhlman, Ratio: The Simple Codes Behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking. I recommend!